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Sura 41
Aya 1

Chapter 41

Fuṣṣilat ( فصلت )

54 verses • revealed at Meccan

»The surah that describes the Quran as Elaborated Heavenly revelation for those who would give it heed. It takes its name from the word “elaborated” (fuṣṣilat) in verse 3 and again in verse 44. The surah deals with the obduracy of the disbelievers, the truthfulness of the Quran, the unity of God, and the inevitability of Resurrection. The surah makes several references to the senses (verse 5, verse 20 ff. and verse 44) which the disbelievers shut off from perceiving the Truth in this world, and which will then testify against their “owners” on the Day of Resurrection, and it describes the arrogance displayed by people when all is well, contrasted with their humility and despair when difficulties strike (verse 49 ff.).«

The surah is also known as: (Signs) Spelled Out, (Verses) Made Distinct, Adoration, Clearly Spelled Out, Distinguished, Made Plain, Revelations Well Expounded, The Lucidly Distinct, The Well-Explained.

بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

انصاریان: به نام خدا که رحمتش بی‌اندازه است و مهربانی‌اش همیشگی.


